The members of Weiss all looked down at Subaru who sat on the floor, industriously licking a forearm. He stopped when he sensed their eyes on him and flopped over to show his belly.
“Didn’t he say it was supposed to wear off in about a day?” said Yohji.
“The spirit is supposed to leave in a day, yes,” said Aya, picking up the first aid supplies as Sena inspected his handiwork. “However, that’s only if the cat is happy and has been cared for.”
“Do you think he’ll turn into a cat?” said Sena, both horrified and fascinated. “He did say something about transformation.” They inspected Subaru carefully.
“I think his ears might be longer and a bit pointy,” said Yohji.
“Pupils definitely looking slit,” Kyou agreed. He waggled his fingers over Subaru’s nose and the onmyoji pawed at them happily.
“If he grows a tail, will it go away afterward? Otherwise we’ll never be able to hide this from his family,” said Sena.
“I just hope he’s litter trained,” said Ken.
“Thank you,” said Yohji. “I could have lived my entire life without ever asking myself that question.”
“Hey, I want to know before he makes a mess on the carpet.”
Kyou patted his pockets, looking for a piece of string. “Maybe he’s an outdoor cat.”
“Yeah, he can keep the goat company,” said Ken.
читать дальше“Everyone be quiet,” said Aya irritably. “We’re going to have to get through this as best we can. All we need to do is take care of him until the spell wears off. If anyone calls looking for him, the story is that he wants to spend the night and was asked not to be disturbed. Whatever he wants to tell them when he gets home tomorrow is his own business. Under no circumstances is anyone to tell Persia about this.”
“What if the spell doesn’t wear off?” said Sena.
A moment of silence stretched into an eternity.
“It has to wear off,” Aya finally said. “If it doesn’t, we’re all in deep shit.”
“So what do we do with him?” said Ken. “We can’t just let him wander around like an ordinary cat.”
Aya nodded. “Good point. We’ll watch him in shifts. Ken, you’re first.”
“What? Why me?”
“You come up with the most interesting questions. Now you get to find out the answers.”
Ken sighed. “I hope there aren’t any females in heat around here.”
“I’m sure we’ll all be happy to find out,” said Yohji, clapping him on the shoulder. He turned to Aya. “I planned to go out tonight, but I’m off tomorrow. I can cover for the rest of you while you’re at school.
“That’s fine,” said Aya. “Sena, get any homework you have for school done. You’ll take the shift after Ken. I don’t have classes until the afternoon so I’ll take the longer, late-night shift. Yohji, you’re on in the morning. Kyou, you take over as soon as you get back from class. The spell should wear off by tomorrow night.”
Ken leaned down and snorted as Subaru titled his head to look at him. “Looks like you’re stuck with me for now,” he said. “Let’s go find you some tuna or something. Can you even walk properly?”
“Myah?” said Subaru in a flat, but very human tone.
“Yeah, well, you’re no hell yourself. Let’s go,” said Ken, heading for the kitchen.
Subaru twisted around to look at the rest of Weiss. When none of them addressed him, he squirmed and struggled into a crouch. After several attempts to sort out his limbs, he scampered after Ken on all fours.
“That was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen,” said Kyou, staring after the onmyoji with faint horror.
“Ah, yes…you haven’t met the Takatori family,” said Yohji, unimpressed. “I think we’re doing rather well. At least he isn’t covered with hair and sprouting tentacles.”
“I think I’ll go do my homework now,” said Sena, slipping out the door before anyone could think to stop him.