но вот хотел вспомнить... и вспомнил))

The play begins with the Valet leading a man named Garçin into a room that the audience soon realizes is in hell (hell may be a gigantic hotel, in light of the "rooms and passages" mentioned in the play). The room has no windows, no mirrors, and only one door. Eventually Garçin is joined by a woman, Inès, and then another, Estelle. After their entry, the Valet leaves and the door is shut and locked. All expect to be tortured, but no torturer arrives. Instead, they realize they are there to torture each other, which they do effectively, by probing each other's sins, desires, and unpleasant memories. At first, the three see events concerning themselves that are happening on Earth, but eventually (as their connection to Earth dwindles and the living move on) they are left with only their own thoughts and the company of the other two. Near the end of the play, Garçin demands he be let out; at his words the door flies open, but he and the others refuse to leave.

... черт, я начинаю думать, что мне всё еще мало)))))))