живая кошка Шредингера
многабукафф, I said? , о, если бы только...
чувствую, что девятый вал опять близок — ну то есть уже вот, совсем под горлом... да, приятно вспоминать, почему я так подолгу избегаю чтения как процесса... наверное — чтобы лучше подготовиться, когда оно наконец приходит))
"It's difficult, isn't it? I might be a distant cousin with a quaint sense of humour, in which case you'll look silly if you scream. I might be a well-known cretin to be kept from your guests at all costs. Or I might be — oh no, my angel!"
Quick fingers, closing on her wrist, wrenched her up from a headlong plunge to the lower floor, to the servants and her husband.
"—Or I might be annoyed. Don't be a fool, my dear. These were my men you heard entering below. You are not being badgered; you are being invaded."
"What do you want?"
He considered.
"Amusement, principally. Don't you think it's time my family shared in my misfortunes, as Christians should? Then, vice is so costly: May dew or none, my brown and tender diamonds don't engender, they dissolve. Immoderation, Mariotta, is a thief of money and intestinal joy, but who'd check it? Not I. Here I am, weeping soft tears of myrrh, to prove it."
оу ма-ай... предчувствую худшее — отныне и надолго... мы кажется опять пошли побираться))
"As my lady of Suffolk saith, God is a marvellous man..."
и главное — тормоза... кто, черт возьми, опять отключил тормоза?!...
...его зовут — только не смейтесь! — Кроуфорд... и он прекрасен.